Sametham - Kerala School Data Bank.
School List of HS Schools
# School Name Block Name Local Body Type Assembly Name Finance Type Level Name School Phone School WIKI Location
1 50024 - for the Blind and deaf, Muttil Kalpetta Muttil(P) Kalpetta Aided 1 -10 04936231300 Not Available
2 15011 - S C H S S Payyampally Mananthavady(M) Mananthavady Aided 1 - 12 04935215040
Location map
3 15028 - Sarvodaya H S Echome Panamaram Panamaram(P) Mananthavady Aided 1 - 12 04936286541 Not Available
4 15033 - C M S H S S Arappatta Kalpetta Muppainadu(P) Kalpetta Aided 1 - 12 04936280066
Location map
5 15039 - D V V H S S Veliyambam Panamaram Pulpally(P) Sulthanbathery Aided 1 - 12 04936240688
Location map
6 50021 - St Rossellos speach and hearing, Poomala Sulthan Bathery(M) Sulthanbathery Aided 1 - 12 04936224803
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7 15014 - St. Thomas H S Nadavayal Panamaram Kaniambetta(P) Kalpetta Aided 5 - 12 04936211350
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8 15022 - S K M J H S S Kalpetta Kalpetta(M) Kalpetta Aided 5 - 12 04936202576
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9 15025 - R C H S Chundale Kalpetta Vythiri(P) Kalpetta Aided 5 - 12 04936201199
Location map
10 15040 - Vijaya H S S Pulpally Panamaram Pulpally(P) Sulthanbathery Aided 5 - 12 04936240225
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11 15041 - Jayasree H S S Kalluvayal Panamaram Pulpally(P) Sulthanbathery Aided 5 - 12 04936241222
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12 15020 - Nirmala H S Thariode Kalpetta Thariyode(P) Kalpetta Aided 8 - 10 04936250633
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13 15044 - Nirmala H S Kabanigiri Panamaram Mullamkolly(P) Sulthanbathery Aided 8 - 10 04936234514
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14 15051 - Assumption H S Bathery Sulthan Bathery(M) Sulthanbathery Aided 8 - 10 04936221560
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15 15003 - Fr. G K M H S S Kaniyaram Mananthavady(M) Mananthavady Aided 8 - 12 04935241184
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16 15005 - S H H S S Dwaraka Mananthavady Edavaka(P) Mananthavady Aided 8 - 12 04935240845
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17 15008 - St. Joseph's H S S Kallody Mananthavady Edavaka(P) Mananthavady Aided 8 - 12 9961964649
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18 15015 - M T D M H S S Thondernadu Mananthavady Thondernad(P) Mananthavady Aided 8 - 12 04935235423
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19 15017 - W O H S S Pinangode Kalpetta Vengappally(P) Kalpetta Aided 8 - 12 04936250165
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20 15024 - W O V H S S Muttil Kalpetta Muttil(P) Kalpetta Aided 8 - 12 04936231100
Location map
21 15029 - L M H S Pallikunnu Panamaram Panamaram(P) Mananthavady Aided 8 - 12 04936286773 Not Available
22 15035 - St. Joseph`s H S S Meppadi Kalpetta Meppadi(P) Kalpetta Aided 8 - 12 282946
Location map
23 15037 - St. Mary`s H S S Mullenkolly Panamaram Mullamkolly(P) Sulthanbathery Aided 8 - 12 04936240375
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24 15050 - S N H S S Poothadi Panamaram Poothadi(P) Sulthanbathery Aided 8 - 12 04936211261
Location map
25 15066 - S M C H S S Bathery Sulthan Bathery(M) Sulthanbathery Aided 8 - 12 04936224253
Location map