Sametham - Kerala School Data Bank.
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Employee Details
Sl no
Employee Name
Office Attendent Sel Gr(9190-15780)
Consolidated Number of teaching and non teaching Staffs
Headmistress HG - 1
UP School Assistant (Snr Gr) - 2
High School Assistant Physical Science(Snr. Gr) - 2
Office Attendant Gr I - 1
High School Assistant English (Snr Gr) - 1
High School Assistant Malayalam(Snr Gr) - 1
UP School Assistant Gr I - 4
High School Assistant Malayalam - 1
High School Assistant Mathematics(HG) - 1
Lower Grade Hindi (Snr Gr) - 1
UP School Assistant - 2
High School Assistant Hindi(HG) - 1
Office Attendent Sel Gr(9190-15780) - 1
High School Assistant Social Science (Snr Grade) - 1
High School Assistant Natural Science (Snr Gr) - 1
Office Attendant HG - 1
Total Employees - 22