Sametham - Kerala School Data Bank.
Employee Details
Sl no Employee Name Designation
1 PRAVEEN KUMAR M Office Attendant Gr II (15 Yrs HG)
2 VIDYARANI M S UP School Assistant (Sel Gr)
3 SWOPNA M K UP School Assistant (Snr Gr)
4 SURESHKUMAR K K Headmaster/Headmistress LP/UP
5 DIVYA DAMODARAN L P School Assistant (Snr Gr)
6 MOHAMED ASHRAF M P Junior Arabic Teacher (Snr Gr)
7 SHIBU K S UP School Assistant (Snr Gr)
8 RAKHI A K Primary Teacher (Sanskrit) (Part Time with Full Time Benefit)
9 ANILA K L P School Assistant
10 SHIJINA K P L P School Assistant
11 SRUTHI V L P School Assistant
12 SOUMYA MOHAN L P School Assistant
13 JINCY JOSEPH L P School Assistant
14 SWAPNA MATHEW Primary Teacher (Urdu) (Part Time with Full Time Benefit)
15 ATHIRA M K L P School Assistant
17 Ramla M UP School Assistant